In marketing this is called “myopia of the product”: the hotel believes
to have a determined positioning without considering the target´s perception. Often
guests´ observations are heard but not capitalized. This generates a gap
between a fictional positioning (where the hotel pretends and thinks to be) and
the real positioning (how the guest perceives the hotel and how he associates
it with the different attributes).
To palliate this contrast, we recommend considering TripAdvisor.
As you all know this website
belongs to the 2.0 concept, where its content is made by millions of people who
share their travel experiences and also rate the hotel where they stayed. Hotel managers have the right to reply in case
they consider a comment unfair.
TripAdvisor received many claims about the comment´s doubtful veracity,
since numerous hotels tend to write themselves positive observations to scale
positions on the general rating.
Beyond controversy this site is, among all free websites for hotels, the
main authority which ratings determine in a significant percentage the booking success
of a lodging establishment.
Conclusion: a hotel is often associated with variables that, due to this
myopia, are not appreciated by its owner or general manager. Knowing that guests´
comments were made over months, even years, they can be analyzed one by one and
take all positive and negative aspects. Those positives help to see and
understand with which attributes the hotel is associated helping to develop a
new strategy once it’s decided to redesign the website, for example. On the
other hand, negative concepts are useful to discover which things have to be modified
and changed. This is how the gap, we mentioned earlier, disappears and it
generates a balance between how the hotel is perceived and how the hotel wants
to be perceived.
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